April 20, 2008
Brazil turns into a petroleum superpower
Brazil turns into a petroleum superpower
Persistent search of perspective deposits of oil and gas in the depths of Atlantic at the shores of Brazil lead to a tremendous success. State oil and gas holding «Petrobras» in cooperation with British-Dutch «Shell», Argentinian «Pepsol-YPF» and others during the recent year and a half or two, discovered huge hydrocarbonic «fields» «Tupi», «Jupiter» and quite recently «Carioca» on the offshore area of the south-east of the country. Potential resources of the «black gold» of these deposits in aggregate can reach from 50 to 80 billion and more barrels!

With such resources Brazil has actually made a request to enter the list of world leaders in production of energy resources. In Brazilian corridors of power they discuss the probable time chart of entering OPEC, and the friendly government of Hugo Chavez will definitely render its solidary support. Political scientists, economists and futurologists, who vividly discuss sensational Brazilian discoveries, unanimously think that having such an energy insurance, Brazil will appreciably speed up its transformation into the center of power both in the Western hemisphere and in the world arena as well. Even now, leading geopolitical players take into consideration Brazil, and what will happen at the peak of its petroleum boom?

Unique oil and gas deposits of Brazil cause an anxious interest of its main geopolitical opponent — the United States. It is possible that it was the reason for recent «hacker» attack on the oracle of «Petrobras» - electronic data base, containing the information on perspective plans, strategies, projects of technological re-equipment and financial situation of the company. Naturally it also contained the complete information on deposits «Tupi», «Jupiter» and «Carioca».

Oil and gas treasures of Brazil will be difficult to extract, as they are located in the open sea at quite a distance from the shore (290 kilometers) and at the depth of more than 5 kilometers, out of which 2 is the thickness of ocean water. But technical complexities are quite soluble. For example, to avoid construction of complicated gas pipelines in the ocean, the authorities of «Petrobras» study the variant of turning gas into electrical energy directly at the place of its extraction. Should this plan succeed, Brazil will be the first country in the world to build an industrial thermal power plant in the open sea. It was the reason why the shares of «Petrobras» have recently gone up by almost 8%, and that is by far not the limit!