April 21, 2008
Paraguay: Number of «populist» presidents in Latin America increased!
Fernando Lugo
Presidential elections have taken place in Paraguay. While counting the votes the leadership of candidate from opposition Fernando Lugo became quite apparent. He persistently was taking the lead over his closest rival Blanca Ovelar from Partido Colorado by 10%. Conservative candidate Lino Oviedo was the first to recognise the victory of Lugo.

Latin American mass media speak about a «new page» in the political history of Paraguay. The era of Partido Colorado that ruled the country for more than 60 years, including rendering the support to dictator Alfredo Stroessner, has come to an end.

The former catholic priest Lugo (advocate of the Theology of liberation), who declared that Paraguay needs changes, was supported both by numerous organisations of leftist and left-centrists orientation, and certain right parties that oppose the ruling Partido Colorado.

When during the pre-election polls the leadership of Lugo became apparent, the opposition immediately started to speak about «interference of Chavez», president of Venezuela, about «subversive operation of his emissaries», which, naturally was categorically rejected by Caracas. Lugo himself does not like when parallels are drawn with Chavez: «The higher we evaluate the progressive-democratic processes that are going on in the region, the more clearly we understand that Paraguay has its own way, - says Lugo just before the election. - There are some common elements in these processes, but there are also differences. We shall make our own way in conformity with our peculiarities».

During election campaign Lugo visited Brazil and Argentine, but distanced himself from leftist governments of Bolivia and Venezuela: «I respect Hugo Chavez very much, but I will not be, as many may think, such as Chavez», «I will not be either another Chavez or Paraguayan Evo (Morales)», «Paraguay should go along its own road». These statements were caused, to a quite considerable degree, by the fact that the opponents to the present winner in their biased pre-election «visual propaganda» used to put the portrait of Lugo in «framing» of portraits of Morales and Chavez.

Agrarian reform, creation of new jobs both in rural areas and in cities occupy the first place in the program of the new president. Unemployment, being one of the highest in the region, is a very acute problem in Paraguay, as well as the problem of food security and energy provision. Lugo will also have to solve the painful issue of revision on the just basis the bilateral agreement with Brazil on hydropower plant Itaipu. Lugo plans to direct additional financial means obtained in the result of that revision to improve the living conditions of the poorest layers of the society (and it is 42 percent of the population). Lugo has his own plan of improvement of health care system on the basis of cooperation of private and state health care institutions. The problem of illiteracy also needs urgent solution: out of every 10 Paraguayans 5 are illiterate. He promisses that he will respect the rights of all members of the society, avoid confrontation. It is quite possible that Lugo will take steps to put an end to military presence of the USA in the country.

Implementation of Lugo's ambitious program will greatly depend upon alignment of forces in the parliament. According to the result of these elections, the legislative body will be completely renewed, 45 senators and 80 deputies will take their seats there.

Mass media call Fernando Lugo a «progressionist» or «left president», but frequently use already habitual label of «populist».