December 13, 2012
The Reform of U.S. military intelligence. The main enemy is known
Nil Nikandrov -
The Reform of U.S. military intelligence. The main enemy is known
After the «terrorist attack» on the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, the U.S. special services are taking on a heavy burden of responsibility. Whatever guise the real organizers and perpetrators of the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center took does not matter, the task for the security services is to have a clear mandate: to prevent the recurrence of the dramatic events of September 11, 2001, that led to the deaths of three thousand Americans. Public opinion in the United States demanded quick and merciless retaliation for the terrorist attacks. Therefore they received carte blanche to undertake preventative operations. In the war against the «centers of terrorism» in the forefront of the fight, the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) stand shoulder to shoulder. In the past decade it has been involved mainly in the preparation of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and later - in Libya and Syria. However quick and victorious campaigns have failed to materialize. Combat losses are growing, and lists of the special service agency victim’s names appear regularly. In one of the latest reports: a CIA officer was killed in Kandahar (name not revealed) along with 24 year old military intelligence analyst Brittany Gordon. The terrorist suicide bomb attack was carried out by an Afghan intelligence officer, who turned to be a supporter of the «Taliban».

Fighting an elusive enemy, a harsh climate and a hostile population, and under constant stress - all this negatively affects the morale of the soldiers, officers, and intelligence personnel. As a consequence, we have the unprovoked massacre of civilians, hundreds of episodes of suicide and desertion, and the massive use of drugs - the real statistics are masked by the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, because they reveal the degree of degradation of the personnel. In many cases members of the security services resigned due to prolonged psychological stress after trips to «hot spots». In “friendly countries» the DIA and CIA operations are usually supported by the local police and counter-intelligence agencies. But in the words of Kipling, «West is west and East is east». In the East, this kind of insurance does not occur.

It has became clear during the course of the overseas campaigns, that the DIA operational groups failed to establish effective and useful information gathering about the enemy, its plans and intentions. As a result, the value of the intelligence support from the CIA significantly increased. Its employees are sent to the «democratized» country in shifts, for periods ranging from six months to two years. The CIA under the cover of the «team», use the occupational structure, for «improving the areas controlled» and providing humanitarian support to the people through USAID, in restoring utilities and road infrastructure. During Iraq and Afghanistan hundreds of CIA employees went undercover, including senior employees. In combat conditions, it became clear that the DIA officers in terms of operational readiness were inferior to the agency employees. The weakness in information and document analysis, failure in recruitment, and lack of knowledge of languages - all this has led to failures and loss of human life. So the question of the need to reform the DIA is long overdue.

Some steps in this direction have been taken, but not enough. The bureaucracy in the structures of military intelligence prefers a comfortable life, comfortable appointments of military attaches away from the front line, which is where the future of the Empire is decided. The current U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, a former head of the CIA, is better than anyone aware of the weaknesses of the DIA. At this moment, the intelligence service which employs 20 thousand people is unable to provide reliable U.S. military intelligence information. The implementation of strategic plans developed by the Pentagon for the next decade requires an effective military intelligence, a stronger and updated agency, especially in China, Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina and South Africa. Therefore a delay in further reforming the DIA was not possible…

At the beginning of December this year Panetta announced a new focus and objectives. Outwardly, there was nothing sensational. Panetta confirmed that the fight against terrorism will require new efforts. The number of DIA employees working undercover abroad (currently up to 600), is expected to increase in the next five years up to 1600. They must ensure that the undercover unit act effectively in «potentially hostile» countries and crisis regions. In its operational capacity the reformed DIA will be the equal of the CIA.

There seems to be high hopes for the new subdivision of the DIA Secret Operations unit (Defense Clandestine Service - DCS), the formation of which was announced in April this year. To prepare its operatives, the DCS embarked on training at the CIA base in Virginia. The professional run in will be in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in crises in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The structure of the DCS will include military attaches. In the near term, the DCS will be the lead department, ensuring up to-date intelligence information of a military nature. U.S. military intelligence is now known to be active in Iran and along its borders, and in countries with which Tehran maintains friendly relations. We can say that the Iranian problem for DIA-CIA employees is that they are operating in an undeclared war. This is especially noticeable in the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Latin America (ALBA) - Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Nicaragua, who have normal diplomatic relations with Iran. One of the objectives of U.S. intelligence is to prevent the establishment of military cooperation between these countries and Iran.

General Michael Flynn, the current chief of U.S. military intelligence, said that this is not a cosmetic change to the DIA, but a major change in national security strategy. Flynn did not clarify what exactly these «changes» are. But already it is clear that the DIA will focus on the Asia-Pacific Region (APR), and operations on «Chinese themes», the essence of which is to prevent China becoming a military superpower.

China is seen in the leading circles of the United States (in the terminology of the «cold war») as the “main opponent”. The growing military might of China, the modernization of its nuclear and missile capabilities, the strengthening of its Navy with a demonstration of its operational capabilities in the oceans, must disturb the U.S. administration, which persists in implementing a strategy of global domination. It is the military aspect of strengthening China`s position in the world that urges the Pentagon to create a «defense in depth» structure of the DIA in this country and in the Asia-Pacific region.

It is worth mentioning that the mockery of American experts about the rip offs («bad copy originals») of Chinese weapons are becoming less common. A Chinese anti-satellite missile test in 2007 was a shocking surprise to the Pentagon. The analytical report of the DIA on this reasonably pointed out: in the event of a conflict with the United States, China will be able to bring down satellite tracking and communications systems. There is no doubt in the Pentagon as to the «authorship» of the hacker intrusions into the computer databases of government and U.S. financial institutions, and the military-industrial complex, etc. The conclusions are alarming: China is working out methods of electronic warfare. After successfully testing the newest intercontinental ballistic missile the “Dongfeng-41», which is capable of hitting parts of the United States, Washington's concern about the «unpredictable plans» of China has been particularly noticeable.

A DIA statement says: China focuses on the globalization of its international relations. This is interpreted as a direct challenge. The DIA is concerned about data on the strengthening of Sino-Latin American cooperation along military-technical lines. Arms shipments from China to the region are growing. Here is a typical post on the subject: «Venezuela has purchased advanced weapons for its marine units: amphibious ships, tanks and artillery. Payment for supplies will be given against a Chinese loan of half a billion dollars. «The space programs of China and Latin America are developing dynamically. Venezuela now has two satellites made in China, and the Chinese are soon to launch satellites for Nicaragua and Bolivia. Clearly the United States is not able to stop multi-vector «Chinese penetration» in the Western Hemisphere.

For these reasons, the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon, and intelligence agencies have in recent years been developing plans to «contain China», including through social and political destabilization, inciting regional conflicts, and encouraging separatism. U.S. intelligence agency analysts regularly discuss a specific range of issues related to the encouragement of political instability in China and its internal fragmentation In this context, they have a comprehensive study experience in the collapse of the Soviet Union...