March 5, 2013
Sad news from Venezuela - Hugo Chavez has died
Olga Lopez
Hugo Chavez
In his address to the nation the Vice-president of the country Nicolas Maduro said, that after a grave and continuous disease the President of Venezuela - Hugo Chavez Frias has died. In summer 2011 a cancerous disease was diagnosed in him. The President courageously fought the disease, 4 surgeries have been done in Cuba, chemotherapy and other, the most advanced methods of treatment have been applied to him, but all the attempts to overcome the disease had no effect.

The leader of the Bolivarian revolution passed away at the age of 58, full of plans, projects and intentions. He has been a consolidating political figure for all progressive forces on the continent, and, his death will affect the dynamics of positive changes in the Western hemisphere and in the world in general. Going to Cuba in December 2012 after the backset of the cancerous disease, Chavez called his followers to keep unity. He repeated this world three times, as if letting to understand that only in this condition the revolution will successfully continue, and the hostile inner and outer forces, headed by the United States, shall suffer a historical loss.

Venezuela is preparing for funeral. The country authorities will shortly announce about the coming funeral ceremony. Hugo Chavez has often been called Libertador of the 21st century, thus comparing him with Simon Bolivar who had fought with the colonial yoke of Spain. Chavez has done a lot for achievement of economic and political independence of Venezuela from the US Empire, for nationalisation of petroleum, acceleration of integration processes in Latin America. With the course of time the historical scale of the personality of Chavez shall become more and more evident. But even now, with a great extent of certainty it is possible to predict that he will be buried in the National Pantheon, where Simon Bolivar and many other prominent Venezuelans rest.

TV reports from Venezuela testify – the country is deep in mourning. The opposition has become silent. In statements of the Bolivarian authorities, commanders of the Armed Forces of Venezuela, comments of common people sound the words of gratitude and acknowledgement at the address of Chavez, for whom the slogans of social justice have always been the core of his program of actions.

While going to Cuba Chavez has nominated Nicolas Maduro as his successor. He possesses all the necessary abilities for preservation of that inner and external political course which Chavez has adhered to. That is why, the present relations with Brazil, the so called “populist countries” (Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and others), China and Russia will continue to strengthen. Other variants, and moreover, coming closer together with the United States, are not in view.

It is important to point out that Maduro, while speaking on behalf of the government, has stated that grave illness that has affected the 58 year old leader of the republic has been the result of external conspiracy. Maduro has promised that a special commission, which will carry out investigation of all the circumstances of emergence of the illness of the President shall be set up – “The commission will prove that the enemies, who managed to infect commandante Chavez, are behind all this”.

Chavez has had a dream – after retirement from politics, to become a teacher in primary school somewhere in the province. And he also used to say that he would like to die as an antediluvian, reading aloud a book to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren under a branchy tree on a river bank. The dream has not come true…