
Countries > Venezuela > Caracas photos > Roads of Caracas >
Roads of Caracas, Venezuela

Tiwy.com, Rem Sapozhnikov (2008)
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» Caracas from above (14 photos, 2.7Mb)
» This is also Caracas (9 photos, 2Mb)
» Murals of Caracas (13 photos, 3Mb)
» Roads of Caracas (15 photos, 3Mb)
Several years that I spent in Caracas, got to like that city. Now, looking through these photos, you realize that it will remain in the heart for ever. Though far from ideal and with littered streets, in photos it still looks beautiful and cosy, native city. Autopista Francisco Fajardo, double-decker avenida Libertador, avenidas Universidad, Urdaneta, Bolivar and Miranda… How many times we used to walk and drive at these places! Interchanges at autopistas, that initially scared by its complicity, green streets-tunnels in «posh» areas, where nobody walks, and therefore there are no sidewalks, avenues filled with cars... However, photos could only be made on Sunday mornings when the car and human traffic was not that heavy.

» Caracas from above (14 photos, 2.7Mb)
» This is also Caracas (9 photos, 2Mb)
» Murals of Caracas (13 photos, 3Mb)
» Roads of Caracas (15 photos, 3Mb)

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