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June 7, 2005 ( 20:31:45 )


I liked your pictures from your trip to Venezuela. You are obviously in favor of Hugo Chavez. I am venezuelan and I am not, it is your opinion and I respect it. I know he has around 60% of support which is fine, I still think he is more of a populist president rather than a manager. The thing is that some of your statements I think are extremely biased.

Oposition demonstration were similar in size to government demonstrations. Governement demostrations never reached 2,500,000 people come on, be realistic this is an insane number, oposition demonstrations were not that big either but they were definitely over 100 thousand... and I think you were there to check that out, I don't see a reason for not showing it in a more objective way but I can understand it may be because of your ideological way of thinking.

You say oposition blocked the main highway... what about the government? If there is a demonstration of 2,500,000 people (according to your numbers) there has to be some sort of blocking don't you think? In fact if you say the opposition occupied 4 kilometers... do 100,000 people ocuppy 4 km???? I think you need more people to ocupy that space.

This statement of yours I think applies to both sides, not only opposition. "It was noted by observers that the carnival and festive character of the action had exceeded its political essence."

Sorry, I am a leftist myself also, but I think that the truth must be told, and most of your statements are exagerated.

Thanks a lot! I'll check on your other links to countries later on.

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