Gusev town, Kaliningradskaya Oblast
The city of Gusev is about 300 years, although the first structures in its place date back to 1-2 century AD. The Prussians owned these places, but then the German invaders, crusaders came. So the city of Gumbinnen appeared, which did not stand out, except for the cheap agricultural, dairy and meat products that used to be supplied to both Koenigsberg and Berlin.In the historical chronicle, the city of Gusev (Gumbinnen) has been primarily recorded in connection with wars. In 1812 Napoleon stopped there to make last adjustments to the strategic plan of attack on Russia. It was the Russian Army in 1914 and Soviet Army in 1945 on the Gumbinnen direction that exercised breakthroughs of defensive structures of German troops. In February 1945, the attacking column was headed by Captain Sergei Gusev, who later was killed in a fierce battle, but achieved the mission set - the fascist units retreated with heavy losses. Now solemn ceremonies are regularly held at the monument to S.I. Gusev, and it cannot be otherwise: memory of the heroes is sacred.

"My God, how everything has changed here – thinks the Elk – not a single German around!"

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– We sit, take tea!
– And how are you now without Tsukanov?
– It's sad, of course. But a great ship asks deep waters! Tsukanov is a lucky guy!
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