Yuhuatai (Rain Flower Terrace) hill - The Memorial to the Martyrs of the Revolution

Rem Sapozhnikov / October-November 2008
The Memorial at the Yuhuatai hill (雨花台 烈士陵园 - Yǔhuātái lièshì língyuán) produces a great impression. During the Chiang Kai-shek dictatorship here they executed the opponents of the regime. According to the official data in this district of 7 hills at least 100 thousand communists and supporters of revolution were executed and buried. In 1950 the hill and its surroundings were transformed into a big (54.2 hectares) memorial park. Ceremonial alleys among luxurious flower beds lead to the memorial places.

At the highest hill of the park there is an obelisk with carved words of Mao Zedong about immortality of heroes of revolution. Main monuments of the Memorial: to Fighter, breaking the chains and Martyrs of the revolution are also impressive. The monument to Martyrs of the revolution, carved of stone, looks very powerful. 9 human figures depict politicians, workers, peasants, intelligentsia thus pointing out that representatives of all social layers used to fight and die for the revolution and decent life of all Chinese people.

The places, where communists have been executed, are specially marked out. Here you stand in the silence minute. The Memorial is completed by Historical museum, which exhibits unique materials about life of people who perished for the Revolution.

Monument to the fallen fighters

Monument to the fallen fighters.

Monument to the fallen fighters

Monument to the fallen fighters

Monument to the fallen fighters

Monument to the fallen fighters.


Obelisk with the words of Mao Zedong about immortality of heroes of revolution.

Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution


Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

Historical museum

Historical museum, which exhibits unique materials about life of people who perished for the Revolution.

Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

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Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

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Memorial to the fallen heroes of revolution

Yuhuatai hill map

Yuhuatai hill map --- ↑ Click on photo to see larger image ↑

In the park


Continuation :
Bailuzhou park

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