Grand Buddha at Ling Shan

Rem Sapozhnikov / October-November 2008
Buddha on the hill Ling Shan (灵山大佛 - Língshān dàfú) is situated in 25 km from Wuxi on the shore of the lake Taihu. One can get to majestic Buddha from Wuxi from the bus terminal which is near the railway station, by buses No.88 and No.91. Or you can get there by taxi, by the meter it is 100 yuans ($15 USD). The entrance fee is more than in any other tourist spots of China — 103 yuans! Under Buddha there is a beautiful hall of 10 thousand Buddhas and a great number of small souvenir shops.

Official site:
First video (below) — washing of little Buddha in the fountain of 9 Dragons.

In this, second video, tourists touch the feet of 88 meter 700 tons bronze Buddha.

Video size: 20Mb.
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan.
Fountain 9 Dragons washing little Buddha
Fountain 9 Dragons washing little Buddha.
Fountain 9 Dragons washing little Buddha
Fountain 9 Dragons washing little Buddha.
Little Buddha is appearing from lotus
Little Buddha is appearing from lotus.
↑ Click on photo to see larger image ↑
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan.
Buddha's Palm.
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan.
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
The Grand Buddha at Ling Shan
A view of the complex
A view of the complex. ↑ Click on photo to see larger image ↑
Pancajnana Gate
Pancajnana Gate.
Bas-relief on the Pancajnana Gate
Bas-relief on the Pancajnana Gate.
Bas-relief on the Pancajnana Gate
Bas-relief on the Pancajnana Gate.

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