Observation tower Pari Orcko - Potosí, Bolivia
February 2008
From the observation tower Pari Orcko you can have a magnificent view to Potosi, Cerro Rico and the suburbs. It is located on the hill of 4120 m above the sea level in the western part of the town. The height of the tower proper is 47 meters, i.e. it is approximately like a 16-storied building.
Don't be surprised if the entrance turns out to be closed. The person responsible for selling tickets and taking the tourists upstairs, most likely, went upwards with other visitors or just went out to have a bite.
Apart from the main closed by the glass observation point and a little restaurant at the same time, slightly below there is another, open to all winds, level.

View to Potosi.
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View to opposite to Potosi direction.

The former railway station.