Sagarnaga street, La Paz, Bolivia
Tourists like the Sagarnaga street very much. They come here to buy typically Bolivian souvenirs that are sold here in abundance. Especially goods made of wool of llamas, alpacas, vicuñas are in great demand. There is a big choice of silver jewelery, the more delicate work is, the more expensive it is. Tin handicrafts are very special – starting from lighters to magnificent dinner sets. Skillfully treated tin looks quite impressive and unlike silver it does not darken with time.Woodcarving that previously dominated on Sagarnaga today is not so noticeable either in quantity or in quality. It takes time and efforts to find something original.
To be closer to perspective clients, on Sagarnaga they opened a great number of tourist bureaus of different specialisation – from traditional minimum of «Tiwanaku complex, lake Titicaca» to adventurous bicycle rides along the «Road of death». With every passing year, tourist business operators admit, «traditional tourists» become fewer and fewer, whereas having a weakness for «mortal attractions» - more and more. Isn't it an indirect illustration of human civilisation thirst for self-destruction?
Photomosaic from the Sagarnaga street gives a remote idea of treasures hidden in its shops.