Ukraine: Arab Spring Comes Along with Breath of Plagues

January 24, 2014
Ukraine: Arab Spring Comes Along with Breath of Plagues
Ukraine is hit by «Arab Spring» accompanied by the breath of plagues. Hoodlums and revolutionary mobsters hit the streets of Kiev, Poltava, Cherkassy and other cities. Western and some local media outlets paint this hoodlum acts as «opposition protests» or manifestations of «radicalism». The so-called international community is adamant to accomplish its mission. The true and tried methods of inciting street revolts using inflammatory mixture of social contradictions are used for another government overthrow. If the powers that be go on shying away from taking a tough stand to contain the spread of ominous disorder, then the situation creep may result in tragic fallout…

Periphery for new zone

Some time ago Washington started to plan a string of «color revolutions» to facilitate the world division into two free trade zones – Transatlantic and Transpacific. The aim was to expand the world periphery under its control. As far back as in 2007 the US plans to reshape the maps of North Africa and the Middle East leaked into media. It was said openly that the way to effectively control the region was to stage «regime changes» in Libya, Algeria and Morocco. The major part of the territory belonging to these countries was to go to a new state populated by Berber people, a mini-state of Nubya on the remnants of Egypt and the mini-state ruled by Polisario (from the Spanish abbreviation of Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra - Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro). In some cases it was a failure, like in Morocco, where the powers that be were prudent enough to institute a new constitution used as a sop or crumbs from the master's table for local liberals. The same happened in Algeria where the military stepped in timely to bring back law and order. Somewhere it panned out as planned like in Libya and Tunisia, for instance. In other places healthy elements of society consolidated in the times of need to turn the process back, like it was in Egypt. In other cases a country was plunged into a bloody drawn-out conflict as a result of rebellion, the example is Syria.

Libya «before» and «after»

Vitali Klitschko, the leader of UDAR political party, has recently addressed the Euromaidan filled by protesters. He made no bones about it saying Victor Yanukovych may follow the fate of Gaddafi… Perhaps he does not know what the life in Libya had been like under Gaddafi. I can remember.

In 2010 the country boasted the highest living standard in Africa. The Gross National Income per capita exceeded $14 thousand (twice as much in comparison with Ukraine). An average salary was 1050 dollars. Half of the country’s oil income went to the people; every working man got $500 in addition to his monthly wage. This principle was used for distributing welfare among different walks of life. There was a pay equal to $700 for taking care of a child being born. 64 thousand dollars were paid to those who just got married to enable them to buy a house. 20 thousand was the sum given to those who wanted to become farmers. Monthly unemployment benefit was $730. Electric power was gratuitous. There was no housing rent to be paid. Credits were granted without interest rates. The price of gas was 14 cents per liter. Healthcare and education were free. Life expectancy was 74. Literacy was 89%.

Muammar Gaddafi created the eighth wonder of the world – an artificial river. 5 million cubic meters of water from Sahara underground lakes were transported to the north of the country daily. The price of a cubic meter was 35 cents. Before the river was dug, Europeans had sold water to Libya at the price of 3, 75 dollar per cubic meter.

How does the country look after Americans and their NATO allies intervened to bring it «freedom» and «democracy»? Libya is war-torn, armed formations fight each other. Actually the country is divided. The tribes in the south refuse to be under the central control. Nobody knows exactly who is fighting who and what the death toll is.

Ministers are kidnapped in the capital (even Prime Minister was kidnapped once to spread fear around). Airports and military facilities are captured. High standing officials and foreigners are killed. Those left without household leave the country to become brigands in neighboring foreign lands. Now France, the country that initiated the intervention into Libya, faces armed gangs going on a rampage in Mali and the Central African Republic. French servicemen lose their lives.

Libyan economy is in doldrums. Oil production has gone down from 1, 5 million to 250 million barrels a day.

Owl of Minerva over Egypt

Famous philosopher Hegel said that «the owl of Minerva takes its flight only when the shades of night are gathering». Minerva is the Roman name of the Greek Athena, goddess of wisdom and philosophy, and associated with the owl. His particular point is that it is only at the end of human history) that human beings can come to understand history's developmental logic. It makes remember the events in Egypt. I happened to witness the Hosni Mubarak’s overthrow and the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power. I also witnessed the toppling of Islamist regime by «military-people’s revolution» led by General al-Sisi, who resolutely put down the street protests and did it in the spirit of great traditions which are the legacy of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Now the General has each and every chance to win the next presidential election. In the Nasser’s times everyone studied and got education. It all changed under Mubarak who launched the process of economic liberalization. Officially 30 percent of Egyptians are illiterate. Egyptian sociologists say in reality the number is as high as a half of population if not more.

I personally often met people whose eyes sparked at the mention of the Tahrir square events in Cairo; they started to speak emotionally about «all Egyptian people standing up to the tyranny». Just like those who join the Kiev maidan. Like in Kiev now, the revolutionaries in Cairo were provided with food, water, clothes and received money for their activities – hefty sums according to Egyptian standards. As they say, every revolution has a price.

There were so many corpses on Tahrir square that it was a tall order to take them away in timely manner. There were scores of them lying in the ice from city refrigerators. The ice was melting and water was mixed with blood. The mixture was sucked by stray dogs. Scores of flies were hovering around…

A half a year passed. There was no more spark and glitter in the peoples’ eyes. The life after the «revolution» became worse. Many industrial enterprises stopped. By the summer of 2011 the southern and western provinces were hit by hunger, the state had to distribute subsidized bread - one Egyptian pound for twenty loaves. If the assistance had been targeted, it would have probably helped many. But the country has no voters’ lists and no lists of those who are needy. The bread was sold to everyone; people had to stay in miles-long lines to buy it…

Tourism suffered greatly. The number of tourists went down almost 40%. At the times of Mubarak tourism brought in 11, 5% of national GDP and provided jobs to 14% of able-bodied population. After the government was toppled, around 100 thousand people lost jobs in hotels and left Hurghada. The overpopulated and hungry villages of southern Egypt were not happy to see them coming. The owners and employees of multiple restaurants, cafes and shops, guides, bus and taxi drivers, those who produced, clothes and leather products - they all indirectly suffered.

True and tried ways were used to let steam out of heated social melting pot by inciting Muslims against Coptic Christians, who were killed, raped and their churches were burnt. The «international community» was tacit pretending not to know what was going on the very same way it is ignoring the events in Kiev now. The gangs of maidan mobsters beat up passer-byes, exhibit ostentatiously obnoxious anti-Semitism and burst into other people’s homes. The West suggests that these actions should be seen as opposition protests aimed at protecting «European values».

General al-Sisi saved Egypt by moving the country away from abyss and the danger of division, and he did it literally at the very last moment. But Islamists remained to go underground. Getting outside help they switched to terror and intimidation. There are voices raised on Kiev’s maidan saying they are ready to continue the fight underground too…