US Wages Drug War against Venezuela
May 27, 2015

The Central Intelligence Agency is behind the movie. For instance, it tells a story about arming the Venezuelan military, including the use of satellites to control the country’s territory. According to CIA, Venezuela needs space surveillance to conduct drug trafficking with impunity. Diosdado Cabello has condemned the smear campaign against him and the national military and security services top leaders. The propaganda campaign is intensive. Almost every day TV channels (CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX and CNN), as well as newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times) offer information about corruption in the ranks of Venezuela’s political and military leadership.

The United States use fraud to prove that drug trafficking from Venezuela threatens the security of the United States and the entire Western Hemisphere. Experts know that drug cartels use sparsely populated areas of Venezuela for transporting hallucogenics. A small plane crashed off the coast of northern Colombia on May 22 and 1.2 metric tons of cocaine was recovered from the wreckage along with the body of the pilot with a Mexican passport. Colombian coast guards found the contraband in one-kilogram packages from the wreckage of the Hawker 800 aircraft. "The airplane, a Hawker 800, which left Venezuela and was destined for Central America, was detected in the early hours of today when it illegally entered Colombian air space," a statement from the Colombian Air Force said. Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said the plane came from Central America and not from his country. According to him, the plane landed in a remote part of Venezuela for a few hours, and his country's air force shot at the plane when it took off again. The Minister noted that Reuter agency was partial highlighting the event.

Since 2013, Venezuelan authorities say they have shot down or neutralized 90 aircraft carrying more than 180 tons of cocaine and other drugs. They have also destroyed 50 illegal air strips used by planes transporting narcotics. The US Drug Enforcement Agency and leaders of international drug cartels are well aware of this information. No matter that, they go on testing the effectiveness of Venezuela’s “integral defense”.
This time the intruders tried to deceive the Venezuelan Air Force. The plane landed at a clandestine airstrip in western Apure state shortly after midnight. When the plane took off again a few hours later, Venezuelan jets ordered the pilot to descend, but he refused and shots were fired that hit the aircraft. A turbine was hit and the plane made a hedge-hopping flight to Columbia.
Columbian and Venezuelan drug dealers cause big problems. It all looks like kind of Nanay wrestling. The interests of drug dealers and special services are intertwined. Cocaine produced in Columbia in great quantities is transported to Venezuela in small planes which are hard to track. According to Venezuelan special services, there is an illegal light aircraft market in Latin America and the Caribbean. The stolen planes are flown to the United States to get repainted and reregistered. Some of these planes are used by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Drug Enforcement Agency. This April Mexican La Jornada published an article called DEA Scandal: Drugs, Prostitutes and 'Grotesque' U.S. Double Standards. The article says, that U.S. government agencies like the ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Drug Enforcement Agency have shown no compunction about breaking national laws, smuggling weapons to criminal groups involved in the drugs trade, laundering their money and even participating in parties paid for by drug traffickers, all of which has been made clear by various investigations conducted in our neighbor country.
Under such circumstances, it is grotesque that U.S. politicians and media appear restless over the alleged unreliability of security organs in countries like Mexico and Colombia and use such concerns as a pretext for operations of their own troops on foreign territory. The director of the Drug Enforcement Administration Michele Leonhart resigned following a scandal involving DEA agents partying with prostitutes in Colombia - and after lawmakers in our neighboring country's House of Representatives issued a statement of no confidence in respect to her performance on the issue.
More information on DEA activities becomes public domain. The up-to-date arms sales by US agencies to drug traffickers in Latin and Central America are a proven fact. In 2014 more than 20 thousand arms made in USA were taken away from drug traffickers. There are many instances of money laundering by Drug Enforcement Agency operatives that have come into the open. Secret funds provide money for activities in “hostile countries” like Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina and, of course, Brazil. The leaders of these states were wise enough to distance themselves for foreign ventures of Bush Jr. and Obama. As a result, the United States resorted to dirty technologies used in smear campaigns, like, for instance, putting forward accusations of involvement in corruption, illegal enrichment and persecution of journalists and opposition leaders.

The book describes a conversation between Blasco and Leamsy Salazar, a Venezuelan military, who had close ties with the security service guarding Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello. He left Venezuela. Salazar went to Spain first. The he was transported to the United States as a special witness. He is supposed to become the chief witness at the trial versus Venezuelan drug traffickers. Everything Salazar told Blasco is an outright lie disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency and Drug Enforcement Agency. In particular, the former security operative said that in 2006 and 2007 Comandante Chavez personally discussed an arms and ammunition in exchange for drugs deal with FARC leaders to boost the guerillas’ combat capability as they fought the government forces. Now it’s clear Salazar cannot be trusted, whatever he says.
According to the data obtained by Venezuelan special services, Leamsy Salazar established contacts with the Central Intelligence Agency when he serves as a presidential guard. Journalist Juan Martorano does not exclude that Salazar was involved in the plot to assassinate Chavez.